December 1, 2021

Christmas Party Corporate Office Closure

On Wednesday, December 8, the Corporate Office will be closing at 2:30 p.m. CT for our 2021 Christmas Party. Planning to attend? Signed waivers are required and must be sent to by Friday, December 3. Please note: Transportation will not be provided to the event, and this is an employee-only event.

New 2022 FHA Loan Limits Announced Today

HUD released next year’s FHA loan limits, which go into effect for loans assigned on or after January 1, 2022Click here to see the new low cost area and high cost area limits.

2022 Conventional Loan Limits Available Now

Supreme is now locking loans under the new increased 2022 Conventional loan limits announced yesterday by the FHFA. Click here to see the new standard and high balance limits. Click here for a complete list by county.

Portfolio C Guideline Update: Documentation Standards

Supreme updated its Portfolio C guidelines and is now accepting credit documentation, asset statements, and income documentation dated within 120 days of note date. Click here for more details.

Desktop Underwriter® (DU) Update This Weekend

On the weekend of December 4, Fannie Mae will implement an update to DU Version 11.0 affecting RefiNow, credit score messages, rent history, and updates to align with the Selling Guide. Click here to read the release notes. Please note: This release is to inform you of Fannie Mae’s update; the processes necessary for implementation of these features by Supreme Lending are being reviewed.

FINAL Extension for Compliance Training

The deadline for ALL Supreme employees to complete the required compliance training has been extended to Friday, December 17. This is the FINAL deadline, and there will be NO additional extensions in 2021. Log in to your Docebo account using the single sign-on option to view your training dashboard and complete the required courses. 

December Training Sessions

Here’s an overview of this month’s training sessions. Follow the links below to register for a session on Docebo and select your desired date and time. Please note all sessions are scheduled in Central Time.

New Hire Orientation
Every Monday at 1 p.m. and Wednesday at 10 a.m.

Appraisal Ordering Training
December 9, 15, and 22

Loan Officer Training (4-day sessions)
December 7-10, 12-12:45 p.m.

Originating in Encompass Training
December 2, 9, 16, 22, and 29

eFolder Training
December 2, 7, 14, 21, and 28

Income Calculator Training
December 16

Lunch & Learn: Risk
December 7 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Processing Training
December 9

Lunch & Learn: Processing (4-day sessions)
December 13-16, 12:30-1 p.m.

If you have any general training questions or need support, please email For Docebo-related questions or feedback, please email

December Holiday Contests

On Thursday, December 16, Supreme will have contests for Best Decorated Area (Corporate Office only), Ugliest Holiday Sweaters, and Best Gingerbread Houses. If you would like to participate in one or all of the contests, please email Join us in-office or via Zoom to celebrate the holiday festivities.

Looking for Food & Drink and Health & Wellness Enthusiasts!

We’re seeking people with a love for food and drink or a know-how for health and wellness to co-lead interest groups on each topic through our Supreme Connect program, launching in January. Enjoy food from all around the world? Have favorite family recipes to share? Know how to pair the perfect wine? Have tips and tricks for improving health in the New Year? Please consider sharing your passion and talents with our team! Contact to learn more.

December Hope Health Newsletter

Click here for this month’s health wellness tips, including nutrition tips, relaxation techniques, metal health awareness, and more.

Reminder: Best Mortgage Companies Survey

Supreme Lending is excited to be a nominee for the 2022 Best Mortgage Companies to Work For program by National Mortgage News and Best Companies Group. As part of the selection process, Best Companies Group selected a random sample of 400 Supreme team members—including Branch and Corporate employees—to complete an online survey via email from

If you received a survey, please take 10-15 minutes to complete it by Friday, December 10, 2021. Please don’t forward your survey invitation as each unique survey link can only be completed once. Automatic reminders will be sent on December 1, December 6, and December 10.

We must have at least 40% participation to be eligible.

New on Today

What is the number one thing new Supreme Loan Officers say sets us apart? We answer the phone! We highlight our culture of service and support in our post on today’s daily blog for industry influencer Rob Chrisman. 


Tip of the Month: How to Identify and Avoid Package Delivery Phishing Scams

It’s once again the time of the year when shoppers begin ordering gifts for holiday celebrations. COVID-19 has only increased the need for online shopping, but beware! Delivery phishing scams become more prevalent throughout the holiday season.

Many delivery scams can start with a text message or an email about a package delivery to your address. These messages often include a “tracking link” that you are urged to click in order to update your delivery or payment preferences. You may also receive a voicemail message with a call-back number, or even a “missed delivery” tag on your door with a number to call.

While these messages often look or sound legitimate, you should never click a link, open an attachment, or call back a number from an unexpected delivery notice. Contact the delivery service or seller directly using a verified number or website.

Here are some additional warning signs of package delivery scams:

  • Unexpected requests for money in return for delivery of a package, often with a sense of urgency
  • Requests for additional personal and/or financial information
  • Links to misspelled or slightly altered website addresses, such as “” or “”
  • Spelling and grammatical errors or excessive use of capitalization and exclamation points
  • Lack of the padlock symbol and HTTPS in a URL

Scammers are often very clever and will go to great lengths to deceive you. Be suspicious of any unexpected package delivery notices and report them to your security team.

If you have any questions regarding this tip, please contact Information Security via Thanks for participating in the Information Security effort!

November 24, 2021

Supreme is closed for Thanksgiving Day

Supreme Lending will observe Thanksgiving Day as a Corporate holiday and will be closed. The Wire Desk will be unable to process wires on this day. Reminder: All locks must be valid through the disbursement date and be sure to request any necessary extensions to accommodate the rescission period as well as the lock expiration date. Click here to see a Rescission Dates and a Closing Disclosure Calendar.

Expansion to FHA and VA Credit Policy

Supreme Lending is expanding our FHA & VA credit policy to remove overlays in the 580-619 FICO range. Click here for a grid showing Qualifying Ratios, Types of Financing, and Underwriting Method.

Disaster Declaration: Northern California

FEMA has announced a formal declaration DR-4610 due to wildfires in Northern California. The affected counties are Lassen, Nevada, Placer, and Plumas.  Click here for more information.

Non-Conforming K

Effective with locks taken on or after Thursday, November 18, 2021, LLPAs (value only) are changing. Click here for a comparison of current vs new LLPAs.

Program Finder Update: Eligible Programs Search Results

Program Finder has been updated with two new features to assist Loan Officers in selecting eligible loan programs: Eligible and Ineligible Tabs and Search Common Programs.

Eligible and Ineligible Tabs
To unclutter the view of the search results, only eligible loan programs will be returned on the Eligible tab. Select the Ineligible tab to view ineligible returned programs based on the search criteria and corresponding guideline violations. Click here for a screen shot.

Search Common Programs
By selecting the new “Search Common Programs” option, multiple loan programs can be searched while still allowing the speed of choosing only one specific product. This option will return results for only the most widely used products and will sort the results into the Eligible and Ineligible tabs. To search all products, including the less common, please choose the “Search All Products” button. Click here for screen shots.

OSHA Vaccine Update

A federal court order has halted the OSHA Vaccination & Testing Mandate for employers with 100 employees or more. OSHA has announced it will suspend activities for the mandate pending future developments with litigation. Employers are not required to adopt a Vaccination Policy unless there is a new federal court order. Supreme Lending will continue to monitor all developments and will make no changes at this time.


Tip of the Month

The holidays are always an exciting time full of on-line shopping, charity activities and package deliveries. The Cyber-criminal community uses this joyous time to take advantage of us, sometimes by way of one of the following methods:

Package Delivery Notifications

The Holidays are perfect time for hackers to distribute “fake” UPS/FedEx/USPS delivery notifications through e-mail. Be vigilant, don’t click on any attachment or link in an e-mail message notifying you of a package delivery. Legitimate notifications will have a clearly displayed tracking number and will not require you to click on an attachment or link to get delivery status. Best method is to simply type in the tracking number directly on the official delivery service website.


Be careful when it comes to e-greetings, even if they come from contacts you know. Cyber-criminals use this method hoping we open the e-greeting so that malware can be delivered to a computer. This method is used by hackers to collect contact lists or use our e-mail accounts to launch secondary attacks.

SMiShing (“SMS Phishing”)

SMiShing is a way for hackers to collect personal information or download malware to a mobile device through use of SMS. Be aware of any text message asking for personal information, pin numbers and so on. Treat each text like every e-mail message you receive – always with caution.

Fake Receipts and Invoices

With all the holiday online shopping activities, the volume of invoices, order confirmations and receipts will inevitably increase. Usually targeting our e-mail inboxes, hackers will send attachments and links hoping to get a click or two. This is another method cyber-criminals take advantage of us during the festive season. Never click on un-expected links or open attachments without scrutinizing the sender address and subject reference.

Here are some additional tips to reduce your chances of being lured by hackers:

  • Don’t download attachments from unknown sources
  • Never share your login ID or password
  • Always question wire transfer requests received in an e-mail message
  • Look for poor grammar or spelling in the e-mail message
  • Look at the sender address… If the e-mail looks like it’s from an official source such as a banking institution, the sender address will never be from Gmail, Hotmail, or other un-related source.
  • When in doubt, simply notify the IT Service Desk!

If you have any questions regarding this tip, please contact Information Security via

Due to feedback received, a decision was made to combine the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) courses into one course that is more relevant to Supreme Lending. This new course provides a 15-minute tutorial and the option to proceed directly to the exam for associates with an established proficiency of BSA-AML requirements. A new Fair Lending course is still in development. If you previously completed these old courses in Docebo, you do not need to complete the new versions. Click here to access Docebo. Remember to log in via the SAML SSO button using your Supreme Lending credentials.
Signed waivers are required to attend Supreme’s Christmas Party on Dec. 8
Please sign and return the Andretti’s waiver to, or drop it by the Concierge Department on the 1st floor, by Friday, December 3.