April 20, 2022

Enroll in the New Repair Escrow eLearning Course

A new eLearning course covering the Repair Escrow function in Encompass is now available. In this less than 15-minute training, learn how to process a repair escrow with detailed steps, a helpful job aid, and an interactive activity.

Enroll in the Repair Escrow course on Docebo and view more eLearning training available in the Course Catalog.

Procewriting Training: Learn How to Successfully Create 4506-C Requests

A new instructor-led training course has been added to the Procewriting series that covers creating complete and accurate 4506-C requests. This is an important step in the loan process as 4506-C forms grant lenders permission to obtain borrowers’ income tax information. The purpose of this course is to reduce the number of rejections received and minimize back-end issues for Supreme’s Underwriting and Quality Control teams.

Here’s an overview of upcoming live Procewriting courses aimed to help Processors and Loan Officer Assistants think like Underwriters to improve efficiencies and save time. View more details and enroll on the Training Calendar in Docebo.

  • Tuesday, May 3, 12–12:30 p.m. | Fraud Manager
  • Tuesday, May 3, 3–3:30 p.m. | 4506-C Requests
  • Wednesday, May 4, 12–12:30 p.m. | Credit Documentation
  • Thursday, May 5, 12–12:30 p.m. | Completing Hazard and Flood Insurance 
Industry Trends Point to Digital Closing Experiences

According to research, more than 70% of borrowers1 want a digital experience when closing a mortgage. And, the digital experience they yearn for goes beyond accessing or eSigning documents in one place. Following the latest trends in technology, Supreme is excited to be rolling out hybrid eClosing capabilities through Snapdocs. This will provide an enhanced closing experience for all parties involved with transparency, real-time updates, and convenience.

What do borrowers really want at closing2:

  • No errors or surprises.
  • 24/7 visibility of all documents and details.
  • To close quickly with no delays.
  • To know what’s next in the process and always be in the know.

Supreme’s hybrid eClosing solution will help deliver on these key advantages. Hybrid eClosings make the wet sign appointment much shorter, which leaves more time to celebrate. Loan Officers can be involved as much or as little in the closing process, with full transparency into the customer experience.

Regional and Branch Managers are being contacted individually over the next couple of weeks to get hybrid eClosing implemented. If you have any questions, contact Anthony.Dotson@SupremeLending.com.

1 Solidifi 2019 Report.
2 McKinsey 2019.

Educate Homebuyers and Promote Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMs)

New marketing materials are now available in Ignite to help educate borrowers about adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) and promote their benefits. The flyer outlines what an ARM is, how it works, and why some homebuyers may consider this option. Customizable and co-branded versions are available. A ready-to-post social media graphic and accompanying post copy are also available.

Click here to view, customize, and download the flyer on Ignite.

If you have any questions or custom marketing requests, please contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

Preview the Auto Pilot Social Posts for the Week of April 25

Here is a preview of next week’s posts for our Auto Pilot Program, which include tips to maintain a home’s air conditioning system and a video highlighting Bank Statement Loans. For a low monthly fee ($100/month), the Marketing Team posts three times a week on behalf of all Auto Pilot participants to keep content on their social media profiles fresh and up to date.

Tips and Tricks Video Trending Industry Topic
A/C Maintenance
Bank Statement Loan Program
Adjustable-Rate vs.
Fixed-Rate Mortgages

Loan Officers interested in enrolling in Auto Pilot can contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

Tip of the Month: The Dangers of Password Sharing

One of the best ways to protect information is to ensure that only authorized people have access to it. Passwords are the most common means of authentication, but only work if they are complex and confidential. Many systems and services have been successfully breached because of non-secure and inadequate passwords. Sharing account passwords presents more risk.

Here are four reasons to never share your passwords:

  • Compromises Account Security: Sharing passwords for any account you use will be less secure. Giving your password to someone you trust does not mean there is nothing to worry about. They may store the password on a compromised device or an unsecure location.
  • Reused Passwords: Most people use the same password to access more than one account. Sharing a reused password significantly increases the threat of a single stolen password.
  • More Privileges Than Needed: You may want to give someone access to one of your accounts so they can obtain specific data, but remember, once they’re logged in, they will have access to everything in the account, such as email or other logins.
  • Incidents Will Be Logged as You: Any actions made by the person you granted access to login and use your account will be recorded as you. In situations where the cause of an information security incident requires an investigation, sharing of credentials can make the process of determining who is responsible difficult.

If you find yourself in a situation where others may know one of your account passwords, it should be changed immediately.

If someone on your team is conducting work on your behalf and they need access to your account, it is possible that the wrong access rights were assigned. In these instances, please contact the IT Service Desk and open a ticket to have the employee’s access rights be reviewed.

Reminder: Supreme implemented new enhancements to our Password Policy, which was announced in this IT Bulletin.

For questions regarding this Tip of the Month, please reach out to Supreme Lending Information Security at 972.499.7037or Mark.Nagiel@SupremeLending.com.

Meet Tania Fernandez, Team Lead Lease Administrator
  • Hometown: Havana, Cuba
  • History With Supreme: Joined four years ago. Started on Jackie Duhon’s team, then moved to the Leasing Department six months later.
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: Supreme does anything they can to help you succeed and has a friendly atmosphere.
  • Fun Fact People May Not Know: Have nine grandchildren with another one on the way.
  • Favorite Vacation Destination: Family vacations in Navarre, Florida.
  • Special Interests and Hobbies: Love all kinds of sports and dabble in acrylic painting.

April 13, 2022

Landing Page Headline: Enhanced Password Management Policy in Effect Friday, April 15

In our continuing effort to improve information security and align with industry best practices and regulatory directives, we are introducing enhancements to our Password Management Policy effective Friday, April 15, 2022, as outlined below:

*No action or password change is currently required. This policy change process will be applied upon your next password expiration/renewal.

  • The length of passwords must be a minimum of 10 characters, upon employees’ regularly scheduled expiration period.
  • Password expirations and renewals will be expanded to every 120 days (up from the current 90-day expiration period).
  • When prompted to change a password, there is an interactive tutorial to help select a password that complies with the updated policy and requirements (pictured below).
  • When selecting a new password, employees will be alerted if the new password has been breached and has appeared on hacker sites. Use of these passwords will be prohibited.

If you have any questions regarding this process or need assistance, please contact the Supreme Lending IT Service Desk at 972.447.5690 or simply create an IT Service Desk ticket via the Supreme Insight Self-Service Portal. Any other questions should be directed to IT-Security@SupremeLending.com.

Watch the Latest Episode of the Ask the Guru Podcast

In the latest Ask the Guru podcast, Product Development Manager Rob Joy discusses several hot topics in the mortgage industry right now and answers frequently asked questions about products. Watch and listen as Rob shares valuable insights on items such as USDA loan closing costs, cash-out FHA refinance, residency documentation, cash buyer programs, and more.

If you have questions about products, specific loan programs, guidelines, etc., please email Products@SupremeLending.com. The Products Team is ready to help!

As a reminder, the Marketing Team proactively contacts Loan Officers to ask for participation in the Ask the Guru podcast. If you’re interested in joining in an upcoming episode, please email Marketing@SupremeLending.com

Get Ready for Quicker Closing Appointments

Supreme Lending’s new hybrid eClosing services is a game-changer for enhancing the closing experience—not only for our clients, but for Loan Officers and Operations teams too. Snapdocs, our eClosing technology partner, is currently being rolled out companywide, and all Regions will have access to hybrid eClosing by May 15, 2022.

Snapdocs reports that users achieve an estimated average of:

  • 80% reduction in errors at the closing table.
  • 50% reduction in time to close.
  • 85% reduction in quality control time.

The hybrid eClosing platform gives borrowers a transparent closing experience to review documents with clear next steps and action items. This helps reduce the stacks of paper to sign during the closing appointment and the fear of losing rate locks or missing deadlines.

National Closing Manager Tony Dotson is contacting Regional and Branch Managers individually over the next couple of weeks to get hybrid eClosing implemented. If you have any questions, contact Anthony.Dotson@SupremeLending.com.

Check Out the Newest eLearning Courses

Supreme continues to develop and launch new training covering a variety of topics to help our teams be more efficient and learn how to become experts at utilizing our tools, resources, and technology. The two latest eLearning courses available now in Docebo cover:

  • Income Calculator, which provides a comprehensive and interactive review of Supreme’s Income Calculator, including guidance on how to accurately use income documentation to successfully complete the calculations.
  • How to Submit to the Interstate Lending Group (ILG), which covers the process of submitting loans to the ILG. The ILG is part of Supreme’s National Production Services (NPS) Group that helps Loan Officers process and close loans in states they may not be licensed in.
Shake Up Your Bond Loan Business

As James Bond likes his martinis ‘shaken, not stirred,’ Supreme’s Training Team wants to help Branches shake up their bond loan business with an exciting new series on all things bond loan-related. Introductory courses will provide a general overview of what bond loans are and how they work. Courses will also be structured by job role to provide deep-dive training and step-by-step guides to originating bond loans in Encompass. Beginning next week, live instructor-led webinars will be added to the Training Calendar in Docebo, and eLearning courses will be launched in May.

Reminder: Enroll in New “Procewriting” Training

Calling all Loan Officer Assistants and Processors! Learn how to help your branch close loans more efficiently, have less conditions, and save time with Supreme’s new “Procewriting” training—designed to help you think like an Underwriter in the early stages of the loan process. View and enroll in the live courses scheduled for the first week of May on Docebo.

  • Tuesday, May 3 – Procewriting: Fraud Manager
  • Wednesday, May 4 – Procewriting: Credit Documentation
  • Thursday, May 5 – Procewriting: Hazard and Flood Insurance
Supreme Swag Store Orders Will Be Paused April 21 Through May 2

The vendor hosting our Supreme Swag Store will be moving its warehouse operations soon. All warehouse orders will be paused during the relocation beginning Thursday, April 21, at 11 a.m. Orders will resume fulfillment when the vendor goes live again on Monday, May 2.

If you have any events or need a swag restock, get your orders in before April 21 to avoid a delay! Have questions or need assistance? Please contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

Preview the Auto Pilot Social Posts for the Week of April 18

Here is a preview of next week’s posts for our Auto Pilot Program, which include celebrating Earth Day and explaining how a Debt-to-Income (DTI) ratio impacts a mortgage. For a low monthly fee ($100/month), the Marketing Team posts three times a week on behalf of all Auto Pilot participants to keep content on their social media profiles fresh and up to date.

Mortgage Minute Holiday Mortgage Tips
Debt-to-Income Ratio
Happy Earth Day
Marriage, Divorce, and Home

Loan Officers interested in enrolling in Auto Pilot can contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

Meet Ginger Vise, Communications Specialist
  • Hometown: I’m originally from Texas but I’ve lived in California, Oregon, and Georgia.
  • First Job: Blockbuster Video. I worked there through high school and was a manager through college. I’m happy I got to be part of that nostalgia for people.
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: Hands down, the culture and my exceptional team and managers. I love to learn and love that we push ourselves to excel and have fun at work.
  • Fun Fact People May Not Know: I’m ridiculously OCD, and I love tiny things. Tiny toys and trinkets, and especially tiny dogs. We have two chihuahuas. 
  • Favorite Vacation Destination: San Francisco or Chicago.
  • Special Interests and Hobbies: Photography and writing.

April 6, 2022

IT will be conducting our regularly scheduled system maintenance this weekend.

All systems may be impacted during this time:

  • Friday, April 82022, 9 p.m.–6 a.m. CDT 
  • Saturday, April 9, 20229 p.m.–6 a.m. CDT

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the Service Desk hotline at 972.447.5690 or submit a ticket via the Self-Service Portal at ServiceDesk.SupremeLending.com.

NPS Is Here to Help!

Not licensed in a particular state? Processor on vacation? No worries! Our National Production Services (NPS) Team offers Branches fee-for-service options to assist with loan origination, production support, set-up, and processing.

Click on the image below for an overview of NPS programs, guidelines, and service fees; this information is also found on Supreme Insight under the National Production Services tab.

2022 NPS Overview
Click for a direct link to the NPS Overview flyer.


Want to Learn More About NPS Programs?

A new eLearning course is now available in Docebo that includes a quick overview of working with Supreme’s NPS Team. This mini-webinar goes over how to submit loans to NPS, the responsibilities of both the Branch and NPS during the process, and a listing of service fees.

Click here to view the course on Docebo and enroll.

For questions or assistance, please contact NPS at NationalProductionServices@SupremeLending.com.

For Your Eyes Only: Top Secret Bond Training Coming Soon

Originating and processing bond loans in Encompass may seem like an MI6 mission, but Supreme will soon be releasing a variety of helpful training resources and videos that will help each role involved originate bond loans in 007 fashion. Stay tuned for more details about upcoming webinars and eLearning courses.

The hunt is still on for the 70th person to email “BOND” to SupremeNOW@SupremeLending.com for a chance to win $100 to the Supreme Swag Store.

What Does Processing + Underwriting = ?

The answer is… Procewriting, which is the topic of one of Supreme’s latest training series. This training equips Processors with the knowledge of an Underwriter to help loans get to clear-to-close quicker, have fewer conditions, save time with resubmissions, and reduce the back-and-forth with borrowers to request additional items.

New Encompass Job Aid for the SSR Writeback Tool Is Now Available

The Job Aid introduced in this week’s Encompass Quick Tips covers how the SSR Writeback Job tool works. You can find this Job Aid now on Supreme Insight linked here.

Questions or inquiries about Training? Contact Training@SupremeLending.com or for Docebo-related issues, DoceboSupport@SupremeLending.com.

The Snazzy Benefits of Snapdocs

With Snapdocs, Supreme can provide homebuyers a seamless digital closing experience—allowing them to review and sign closing documents prior to the closing appointment. Loan Officers can take advantage of automated processes to decrease time to close and associated costs. Additionally, borrowers will have increased visibility in the closing process and the ability to take next action steps without increased communication. It’s a win-win!

Benefits of Hybrid eClosings with Snapdocs include: 

  • Enhanced borrower experience to increase retention and referrals.
  • Less than 15-minute closing appointments.
  • An 85% reduction in time spent doing closing quality control.

National Closing Manager Tony Dotson is contacting Regional Managers individually to roll out the new technology over the next couple of weeks. All regions will be using Snapdocs by May 15, 2022.

Loan Officers: Add Your Custom Bio to The Supreme Difference Flyer

A new dynamic flyer is now available in Ignite. Titled, “The Supreme Difference,” this marketing piece provides a snapshot of Supreme’s mission, competitive advantages, and, the most exciting part, the ability to easily include a personalized bio, headshot, and contact information. If a Loan Officer has their custom “About Me” section turned on with their website, Ignite will simply pull that content on to the flyer—to give that special touch!

View the flyer on Ignite via the Marketing tab on Supreme Insight. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

Preview the Auto Pilot Social Posts for the Week of April 11

Here is a preview of next week’s posts for our Auto Pilot Program, which include spring tips for home gardening and a short, fun video celebrating National Pet Day. For a low monthly fee ($100/month), the Marketing Team posts three times a week on behalf of all Auto Pilot participants to keep content on their social media profiles fresh and up to date.

Tips & Tricks Holiday Infographic
Home Gardening
National Pet Day (video)
Market Update

Loan Officers interested in enrolling in Auto Pilot can contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

Meet Penny Lawson, Branch Onboarding Team Lead
  • Hometown: Denton, Texas
  • History With Supreme: Served 2 years in Post-Closing and 5 years in Onboarding.
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: There are several reasons why I love Supreme Lending, like the fact that I not only know the names of the Leadership Team but I also see their faces unlike other companies I’ve worked for. I absolutely love my manager, team members, and how everyone is ready to do what it takes to get the job done.
  • Fun Fact People May Not Know: I love decorating and revamping my home. I will paint anything—walls, furniture, canvases—it doesn’t matter!
  • Special Interests and Hobbies: Within the last couple of years, I’ve become interested in growing flowers and planting.
  • Favorite Holiday: Christmas

March 30, 2022

Exciting News: Hybrid eClosing Is Rolling Out Companywide

After a successful pilot program, Supreme is implementing hybrid eClosing capabilities companywide through Snapdocs. National Closing Manager Tony Dotson is contacting Regional Branch Managers individually to roll out the new technology over the next couple of weeks. All regions will be using Snapdocs by May 15, 2022

The Name’s Bond… As in Bond Loans

Learn how to become the James Bond of originating bond loans! Supreme will be launching a series of new training courses and materials for all aspects of originating bond loans in Encompass. This training will be structured by job role: Loan Officers, Processors, Underwriters, and Closers/Funders.

The series of courses will include short, bite-sized videos that individuals can watch during their lunch break or whenever is convenient. Courses demonstrate everything needed to close a bond loan, from searching for the bond product in the Lending Library to accessing checklists and verifications. This training is designed to help our Sales and Operations teams become 007 experts in bond loans.

Stay tuned for more information! While waiting for further instruction, be the 70th person to email “BOND” to SupremeNOW@SupremeLending.com, and you’ll win a $100 gift card to the Supreme Swag Store.

Learn How to Be a Procewriter!

The first week of April our Training Team will launch new courses and materials to help Loan Officer Assistants and Processors become “Procewriters,” or in other words, teach them how to think like an Underwriter when processing loans to reduce the back-and-forth between Processing and Underwriting. The ultimate goals of this training series are to get loans to clear-to-close quicker, have less conditions, save time with resubmissions, and reduce the number of asks to borrowers for additional information by gathering more details upfront. Training will include 10- to 30- minute micro-learning courses and Lunch & Learns.

Next week’s live Procewriting courses will include:

  • Fraud Manager – Tuesday, April 5
  • Credit Documentation – Wednesday, April 6
  • Completing Hazard/Flood Insurance – Thursday, April 7

For more details and to register, log in to your Docebo account (Learning.SupremeLending.com) and view the Training Calendar.

Docebo Refreshed the Learning Dashboard

The Learning Dashboard in Docebo has been updated for easier visibility and navigation. From the Dashboard, users can now easily view and access all of these sections from one place:

  • My Course Activity
  • My Learning Plans
  • My Calendar
  • Courses Not Started
  • Courses in Progress
  • Completed Courses

If you have any training inquiries or need assistance, please contact Training@SupremeLending.com or for Docebo-related questions, DoceboSupport@SupremeLending.com.

Stay Safe and Healthy This Spring

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Get tips to staying safe on the roads in this month’s Hope Health newsletter available here. In this issue, you’ll also find tips on teaching children to exercise, smart eating, risks of languishing, and more.

Loan Officers: Share Facebook Posts from Your Business Page to Your Personal Page

Sharing Facebook posts from your Business Facebook page is a great way to welcome a new team member, congratulate a buyer on their new home, or simply spread the word about your business! Loan Officers can follow these simple steps to start sharing business posts with their personal networks.

  1. On your business page, confirm that you are interacting as your personal profile by selecting the icon on the top-right corner of the page.

  2. On the post you want to share, select Share to view several sharing options.

  3. Choose where you would like to post.
    • “Share to feed” will post it on your personal account.
    • “Share to a group” is a great choice if you are a part of any professional networking Facebook groups.
    • If you are sharing a post from your team’s business page, you can post it to your individual business page by selecting “Share to a page.”
Preview the Auto Pilot Social Posts for the Week of April 4

Here is a preview of next week’s posts for our Auto Pilot Program, which includes recognizing National Fair Housing Month and educating on mortgage tax documents. For a low monthly fee ($100/month), the Marketing Team posts three times a week on behalf of all Auto Pilot participants to keep content on their social media profiles fresh and up to date.

Mortgage Minute April Observance Tips & Tricks
Form 1098:
Mortgage Interest Statement
Fair Housing Month
Home Preparation
for Spring Hosting

Loan Officers interested in enrolling in Auto Pilot can contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

Meet Omar Cardenas, Loss Mitigation Supervisor
  • Hometown: Born in Mexico City, Mexico, and raised in Dallas.
  • History With Supreme: Joined in 2017 as a Bankruptcy Specialist, left in 2018, and came back in 2019 as a Loss Mitigation Specialist.
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: Growth opportunities and the people I work with!
  • How to Turn a Bad Day Into a Good One: Look through my daughter’s baby pictures.
  • Favorite Vacation Destination: Hawaii
  • Special Interests and Hobbies: Love to take trips and go hiking.

March 23, 2022

New eLearning Courses Available and See What’s Coming Soon

Two new eLearning training courses have recently been added to Docebo that cover:

  • SimpleNexus Forms
  • VA Renovation Loans

Go to Learning.SupremeLending.com to log into your Docebo account and navigate to the Course Catalog to view the new training. 

Stay tuned for more! Here’s a sneak peek of additional eLearning topics that will launch in April:

  • Income Calculation
  • Bond Loans
  • USDA Loans
  • Mavent Compliance
  • Mortgage 101
  • Mortgage 201

If you have any training inquiries or need assistance, please contact Training@SupremeLending.com or for Docebo-related questions, DoceboSupport@SupremeLending.com

Reminder: Data Transfers From Company Computers to USB Devices Has Been Disabled

Please remember, as part of our obligation to protect our borrowers’ information and fulfill our regulatory directives, data transfer from company computers to USB “thumb drives” has been blocked.

In circumstances where business data transfer to a USB device may be required, please submit an IT Service Desk ticket by contacting ServiceDesk@SupremeLending.com, visiting the Self-Service Portal via Supreme Insight, or calling 972.447.5690 with a business justification. Your request will be evaluated, and the IT Service Desk will reply with a disposition.

Questions regarding this notice should be directed to

Preview the Auto Pilot Social Posts for the Week of March 28

Here is a preview of next week’s posts for our Auto Pilot Program, including using a tax refund toward a down payment, tips and tricks for moving to a new home, and a short video to celebrate the new month. For a low monthly fee ($100/month), the Marketing Team posts three times a week on behalf of all Auto Pilot participants to keep content on their social media profiles fresh and up to date.

Tips & Tricks Tax Day Reminder New Month
Preparing Home for Moving Day
Using a Tax Refund Toward
Down Payment Savings
Welcome April (Video)

Loan Officers interested in enrolling in Auto Pilot can contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

Meet Hannah Osbon, Corporate Concierge Team Lead
  • Hometown: Jackson, Mississippi
  • History With Supreme: I started as a Recruiting Coordinator in September 2020, then joined Denise Castillo when she formed the Concierge Team at the beginning of 2021.
  • Fun Fact People May Not Know About You: I studied art in college at Ole Miss.
  • How to Turn a Bad Day Into a Good One: I always tell my myself that I get to decide my mood—so if I let my mood stay negative, I ruined my own day.
  • Favorite Vacation Destination: Orange Beach, Alabama
  • Favorite Book: Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan

March 16, 2022

A New Guide for Processing in Encompass Is Now Available

A new training guide has been created that offers a comprehensive step-by-step outline of how to process a loan in Encompass. This smart resource covers everything from selecting a loan to managing the processing summary to shortcuts and tools, and more. The table of contents includes links to the various sections to easily navigate through the document.

Click here for a direct link to download the Guide to Encompass for Processing.

The document is also available on Supreme Insight’s Encompass Plugged-In tab under the left side menu: Helpful Guides / Job Aides > Processing and Set Up > Guide to Encompass for Processing.

For training questions or assistance, please contact Training@SupremeLending.com

There’s Still Time to Shop the Swag Store Sale

Swag Store Sale

The Supreme Swag Store Sale is still up in Ignite. ALL SALE items must go to make room for new inventory. From select pullovers and polos to pens and tech items—check out what you can score for 30% off!

Click here to navigate to the Ignite homepage. Then select the new Swag Sale button and start shopping!

Note: If you don’t remember your Ignite log in, you can reset your password or log in to Supreme Insight and navigate to the Marketing tab to access Ignite from the banner at the top.

Questions or need assistance? Contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com

Is Today Your Lucky Day?

It could be if you’re the 17th person to email the code word “LUCKY” to SupremeNOW@SupremeLending.com for a chance to win a $100 gift card to the Supreme Swag Store.

Preview the Auto Pilot Social Posts for the Week of March 21

Here is a preview of next week’s posts for our Auto Pilot Program, including a spotlight of the USDA loan program for National Agriculture Week and a warm welcome to Spring. For a low monthly fee ($100/month), the Marketing Team posts three times a week on behalf of all Auto Pilot program participants to keep content on their social media profiles fresh and up to date.

Mortgage Minute Product Feature Holiday
Closing Disclosure (CD)
Spring Equinox

Loan Officers interested in enrolling in the Auto Pilot program can contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

Test Your Trivia for the Chance to Win Prizes at Next Week’s Supreme Connect

If you’re interested in participating in this group, sign up here.

Join us Tuesday, March 22, at 4 p.m. CDT, for our special Supreme Connect Trivia Edition! Topics will range from pop culture, fun facts, sports, TV shows, and more. Hosted by the Concierge Team, the lucky first, second, and third place winners will get to choose from three prizes in the Supreme Swag Store:

  • A sweatshirt
  • A leather folder
  • A Popl® (which is a digital business card tool to instantly share contact information, social media, and more)

The first place winner will get to pick first, second place will get to pick second, etc.

Trivia Time!

Hosts: The Concierge Team

When: Tuesday, March 22,
4–4:30 p.m. CDT
(with manager’s approval)

If you have questions or would like to learn more, please contact Sharon.Lembo@SupremeLending.com.

Meet Cody Troxler, Closing Team Lead
  • Hometown: I live in West Jordan, Utah.
  • History With Supreme: I’ve been with Supreme for six years. I was a Closer/Funder and became a Team Lead last year.
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: The people I work with and the work/life balance. We have a really good team dynamic and work very well together.
  • Fun Fact Most People Don’t Know: I lived in Alaska for four years.
  • How to Turn a Bad Day Into a Good One: My wife and I like to get out of the house, take our kids to the park, and have a good family dinner together. The four of us spending time together always improves a bad day. 
  • Favorite Vacation Destination: Disneyland with the family.
  • Favorite Book: The Harry Potter series.

March 9, 2022

Review the Updated Lock Desk Policy

The Lock Desk Policy has been updated, and the new version is now available on Insight. Minor changes were made to the content, including the removal of outdated information and condensing material for easier readability.

Click here for a direct link to the updated policy.

If you have any questions, contact the Lock Desk at LockDesk@SupremeLending.com or by phone at 972.447.5625.

Download the New Condo Submission Request Forms

The Project Document Processing Team has realigned its divisions for Processor support. Follow the links below to view and download the updated divisional Condo Submission Request Forms.

Division One’s Document Processor is Ericka Gilleard.
Division Two’s Document Processor is Erika Creach.
Division Three’s Document Processor is Jessica Cain.

For Condo projects, these request forms must be completed and submitted to the Project Document Processing Team (ProjectDocProcessing@SupremeLending.com) so they can contact the respective Homeowner Associations to obtain the documents required to submit to Underwriting with the Project Review Office. Please allow approximately 7–10 days for processing.

Be On High Alert and Report Suspicious Phishing Activity

Due to U.S. sanctions targeting Russia as a result of the evolving conflict in Ukraine, current threat intelligence sources leveraged by Supreme Lending Information Security indicate critical infrastructure organizations, including financial services, are at greater risk of “destructive” malware attacks. This requires our organization to be on “high alert” for potential threats. Anticipated attack methods include distribution of phishing email messages to our employees, so we need your continued help as our “first line of defense” in order to protect Supreme Lending.

What Can You Do to Help Protect Supreme?

Be on the lookout for phishing messages, regardless if the message is “external” or “internal” from someone you know. In certain cases, phishing attacks can look like legitimate emails coming from other Supreme employees. Recently, we have seen several phishing methods used by hackers like the following:

  • Subject lines that reference homeowner insurance, such as “HOI” or “Revised Contract.”
  • Invoice or DocuSign attachments.
  • Voicemail attachments.
  • Malicious URL links that direct people to provide usernames and passwords.

Helpful Tips to Reduce Your Chances of Being Lured by Hackers

  • Do not download attachments from unknown sources.
  • If the email looks “highly questionable” and is coming from another employee, call them directly to see if they actually sent the message.
  • Never share your login ID or password.
  • Never use a common password for social media sites and Supreme Lending user accounts.
  • Always question wire transfer requests received via an email.
  • Look for poor grammar or spelling in the email message.
  • Look at the sender address; if the email “looks” like it’s from an official source, such as a banking institution, the sender address would never contain Gmail, Hotmail, or other unrelated sources.

How to Report Something to Supreme Lending Information Security

  • If you receive an email that looks questionable, please use the Report Phish button in Outlook, located in the control ribbon in the upper right.
  • If you see any other suspicious activity on your computer, please use one of the below contact methods to report it:

If you have any questions regarding this message, please reach out to Mark.Nagiel@SupremeLending.com.

Score Supreme Swag on Sale!

The Supreme Swag Store sale is now live on Ignite! To make room for new inventory, select swag items are now 30% off. From polo shirts to pens to headphones and more—check out the Swag Store now as these popular promotional materials will go fast.

How to Find the Supreme Swag Store Sale

Navigate to the Supreme Swag Store via Supreme Insight > the Marketing tab > Ignite following the instructions below, or just click here!

From there, click on “Supreme Swag” and you’ll be taken to the store where you can start shopping! To view the sales items, select the Sale tab on the left-side menu.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

Go Social This March

Here is a preview of next week’s posts for our Auto Pilot Program, including a fun St. Patrick’s Day video. For a low monthly fee ($100/month), the Marketing Team posts three times a week on behalf of all Auto Pilot program participants to keep content on their social media profiles fresh and up to date. 

Tips and Tricks Product Feature Holiday Mortgage Minute
Preparing Your
Backyard for Spring
VA Renovation Loan
St. Patrick's Day*
Closing Disclosure (CD)

* Video Post

Loan Officers interested in enrolling in the Auto Pilot program can contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

Final Reminder: Join the Supreme Connect Food & Drink Wine Edition

If you’re interested in participating in this group, sign up here.

On Thursday, March 10, at 4 p.m. CST, join our next Supreme Connect Food & Drink group hosted by Director of the Project Review Office and wine connoisseur Jim Mihalik. This engaging discussion will cover the basic types of wines, various wine regions in the United States, and tips for wine pairings. Whether you’re a vino lover, want to learn more about the reds and whites, or need help selecting wine for events, you won’t want to miss this!

Food & Drink:
All About Wine

Leader: Jim Mihalik, Director of Project Review Office

When: Thursday, March 10,
4–4:30 p.m. CST (with manager’s approval)

Meet Kelly Daniel, Accounts Payable Team Lead
  • Hometown: Garland, Texas—born, raised, and moved back.
  • First Job:  At the snack bar at the community pool when I was 13.
  • History with Supreme: Joined Supreme on August 19, 2013, almost 9 years ago.
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: The people. We’re like family. We always have each other’s back and have the best owner. Scott is wonderful.
  • Fun Fact People May Not Know: I was a gymnast.
  • Favorite Vacation Destination: New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Special Interests and Hobbies: Watching my son do gymnastics, vegetable gardening in the spring, going to rock-n-roll concerts, boating, and hanging with the family.

March 2, 2022

Phase One of the eFolder Enhancement Will Begin March 3

Phase one of the eFolder 2.0 enhancement in Encompass will be implemented on Thursday, March 3. To clean up the eFolder placeholders, duplicate and unused placeholders will be removed from the Master List and dropdown menu option.

  • Click here to view the updated Master Placeholder Matrix. You may want to zoom in or download for better readability.
  • Removed placeholders will NOT be deleted but removed as an option to view or select in Encompass. They will remain as active placeholders for loans in the pipeline where they have been utilized. 
  • Stacking orders and bundles will reflect the updated placeholders where removed or unused placeholders once were. This will not impact loans in the current pipeline. 

If you experience any issues with placeholders or need support, please reach out to ProcessingSupport@SupremeLending.com.

Bond Loan Processing Training Coming Soon

If processing non-traditional mortgages like bond loans sounds overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be! Several new training resources will be available soon in Docebo to help Loan Officers and Operations team members navigate the bond loan process. This will include both a high-level roadmap course and more in-depth training with how-to guides and videos.

If you have any training inquiries or need assistance, please contact Training@SupremeLending.com or for Docebo-related questions, DoceboSupport@SupremeLending.com

Reminder: Watch the Latest Products Corner

Get more details about Supreme’s new Doctor loan program, the reintroduction of FHA 203(h), and exciting updates to several Jumbo products in this episode.

Promote the New VA Renovation Loan Program

New marketing materials are now available in Ignite for the recently announced VA Renovation Loan program, including a ready-to-share flyer and social media post. Follow the links below to check them out.

View, Customize, and Download the Flyer

Share the Social Media Post

If you have any questions or custom marketing requests, please contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

You’re Invited to the Next Supreme Connect Food & Drink Meetup All About Wine

If you’re interested in participating in this group, sign up here.

On Thursday, March 10, at 4 p.m. CST, join our next Supreme Connect Food & Drink group hosted by Director of the Project Review Office and wine connoisseur Jim Mihalik. This engaging discussion will cover the basic types of wines, various wine regions in the United States, and tips for wine pairings. Whether you’re a vino lover, want to learn more about the reds and whites, or need help selecting wine for events, you won’t want to miss this!

Food & Drink:
All About Wine

Leader: Jim Mihalik, Director of Project Review Office

When: Thursday, March 10,
4–4:30 p.m. CST (with manager’s approval)

Meet Melissa Knapik, Regional Underwriting Manager
  • Hometown: I’m a Chicago girl and currently reside in the Northwest suburbs of the Big Bad City.
  • History With Supreme: I joined Supreme in May 2015 as a Jumbo Underwriter, but made the move to concentrate on Conventional and government loans, which eventually led me to a Team Lead position and my current role as Regional Underwriting Manager.
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: I love the people I work with. Working remote, it can sometimes be hard to get to know your co-workers. After many trips to the Corporate office and many conversations in-person, on the phone, and nights out, I feel like we are family. We can lean on one another when times are tough, celebrate great triumphs, and always laugh!
  • Favorite Vacation Destination: Any place warm. My husband and I love the Florida Keys. 
  • Favorite Book: My favorite book is one I used to read to my kids, Love You Forever by Robert Munsch.

February 23, 2022

New Products Corner!

Watch the latest episode of Products Corner, starring Product Development Manager Rob Joy who talks about Supreme’s new Doctor loan program, the reintroduction of FHA 203(h), and exciting updates to several Jumbo products.

Supreme Swag Store Warehouse Is On the Move: Order Before March 17 to Avoid a Delay

The vendor hosting our Supreme Swag Store will be moving its warehouse operations in March. During the transition, there will be a brief interruption in orders. Any orders received after Thursday, March 17, at 11 a.m. will be held for shipment to stage and move products to the new location. Orders will resume fulfillment when the vendor goes live again on Thursday, March 24.

If you have upcoming events or will need to update your Supreme gear within the next month, get your orders in before March 17 to avoid any delay in service.

Questions or need assistance? Contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com.

Prepare to Spring Forward

Daylight Saving Time (DST) begins on Sunday, March 13. Get tips to prepare for the time change in March’s health and wellness newsletter available here. In this issue, you’ll also find helpful tips to stay active, how to incorporate more vitamin-rich foods in your diet, National Diabetes Alert Day, and more.

Learn How to Use AccountChek®

AccountChek® is a third-party service used by lenders to collect digital account statements, providing a paperless solution to verify borrowers’ assets. It is also the topic of our newest e-learning training course available now in Docebo. This course provides an overview of how AccountChek works, including the process of ordering, reviewing, and refreshing a Verification of Assets (VOA) Report.

To view all e-learning courses and enroll, log in to your Docebo account and go to the Course Catalog.

If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Training@SupremeLending.com or DoceboSupport@SupremeLending.com.

Meet a Few Rockstar Team Members From Risk Management

This week’s Employee Spotlight features a few team members from the Risk Management Department who have recently been promoted or are new to the organization. Join us in congratulating these individuals in their new roles and learn more about each of them below!

Heather Painter, QC Manager

  • Hometown: I was born Tampa, Florida, and grew up in Chattanooga, Tennessee. 
  • First Job: I was a babysitter where I helped a special needs child with physical therapy. 
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: The atmosphere. It feels like family and is truly a Supreme place to work. 
  • Fun Fact That People May Not Know: I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart for almost 19 years and counting. 
  • How to Turn a Bad Day Into a Good One: Music is my life. The right song can change an entire day! 
  • Favorite Holiday: Christmas 

Christine McCall, QA Team Lead

  • Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland 
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: Supreme cares about teamwork and continuous improvement—two things I am passionate about. 
  • How to Turn a Bad Day Into a Good One: I remind myself that a bad moment doesn’t mean a bad day and look for at least three things to be grateful for. 
  • Favorite Vacation Destination: Anywhere warm with a lake or a beautiful sunset. 
  • Special Interests or Hobbies: Reading, painting, sewing, gardening, canning, baking, kayaking, and boating. 
  • Favorite Book: The Undiscovered Self by Carl Jung 

Donna Gunn, QC Support Team Lead  

  • Hometown: I’m originally from Oregon, but Nashville, Tennessee, is now where I call home. 
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: The people. Our group has become my work family and I don’t know what I would do without them.  
  • Fun Fact People May Not Know: I keep a Christmas tree up all year and each month has its own decorations! 
  • Favorite Vacation Destination: Anywhere! Since we have an RV, the open road is where we love to be—from the white sands of the Gulf to the great Smokey Mountains.  
  • Special Hobbies and Interests: I’m a creator at heart so for me, one day it could be crafting or painting or another just getting outside and gardening. I see beauty in everything and think, “Oh what can I make out of this?”   

Pamela Franklin, Internal Audit Manager  

  • Hometown: Chattanooga, Tennessee  
  • First Job: I worked at a confectionery, which probably explains my addiction to sugar. 
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: The culture, support staff, and the amazing team members I work with. 
  • Favorite Vacation Destination:  Sedona, Arizona 
  • Special Interests or Hobbies: Landscape design 
  • Favorite Book: The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
  • Favorite Holiday: Fourth of July 

Stephanie Laymon, Post Purchase Risk Manager  

  • Hometown: Roanoke, Texas 
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: The people at Supreme make sure you feel a part of the team and are very welcoming and helpful. 
  • Fun Fact That People May Not Know: I want to open an art studio when I retire. 
  • Favorite Vacation Destination: Anywhere near the beach. 
  • Favorite TV Show: Criminal Minds 
  • Favorite Holiday: I really enjoy the Christmas season because I get to spend time with all my family. 

February 16, 2022

Reminder: Supreme Lending Will Remain Open on President’s Day

On Monday, February 21, Supreme Lending will not be observing President’s Day as a corporate holiday and will remain open. However, because it’s a federal holiday and banks will not be operating, the Wire Desk will be unable to process wires and President’s Day cannot be included as a business day in the rescission period for refinances or when calculating loan estimate and closing disclosure requirements.

See the Closing Bulletin for full details, including updated rescission dates and the Closing Disclosure Calendar, by clicking here.

Join Us Tuesday, February 22, for Our Health & Wellness Meet-Up

If you’re interested in participating in this group, sign up here.

We’re excited to host our next Health & Wellness Supreme Connect group this Tuesday, February 22. Digital Marketing Manager Renee Biddle will lead an engaging discussion on how to set up your day for success—from goal setting to time management to work-life balance and staying active. Get tips and tricks and enjoy connecting with your colleagues. We hope to see you there!

Health & Wellness:
How to Set Up Your Day for Success

Leader: Renee Biddle, Digital Marketing Manager

When: Tuesday, February 22
4–4:30 p.m. CST (with manager’s approval)

Check Out Two New Training Courses Available in Docebo

Two e-learning training courses have been added to Docebo covering the following topics:

  • How to use the Allocate Credits Tool in Encompass to adjust fees and credits to provide the borrower with accurate closing costs.
  • How to review a Preliminary Title Report to ensure there are no gaps in ownership, existing liens, or suspicious activity.

Go to Learning.SupremeLending.com to log into your Docebo account. From the User Menu on the top left corner, navigate to the Course Catalog to view the new courses. We look forward to continuing to add new courses to benefit our Supreme team members’ knowledge and professional growth.

If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Training@SupremeLending.com or DoceboSupport@SupremeLending.com.

Meet Carla Bandy, Sr. Underwriter
  • History With Supreme: I’ve been with Supreme for 16 years. 
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: The culture! Although we have grown substantially since I started, we still have a “small” company feel. We’re like family.
  • Hometown: Acuff, Texas, which is just northeast of downtown Lubbock, Texas
  • How to Turn a Bad Day Around: Take a step back, spend time with my grandchildren, and love on my pups. 
  • Hobbies and Special Interests: Spending the day on our boat with friends and family and keeping up with Texas high school football—my husband is a retired high school football coach.