November 2, 2022

FINAL REMINDER! Compliance Training Due This Friday, November 4

Congratulations to 75% of the company who have completed the required Compliance training! If you haven’t completed the two quick eLearning courses yet, please log in to Docebo and do so now. The final deadline is THIS Friday,    November 4. The last drawing for a $50 gift card will also be held on Friday.

REMINDER: Failure to complete the training by the deadline will result in your access to Encompass being locked.

Questions? Contact or for Docebo-related issues,

Photos for Supreme’s Commemorative Veterans Day Video Are Due Friday, November 4

If you, a team member, or family member have served our country and would like to be included in Supreme’s tribute for Veterans Day, please send a photo by Friday, November 4 to Concierge at

With your submission, please include full name, military branch, and rank.


Veterans Day Holiday Notice: Supreme Offices to Remain Open

Veterans Day, Friday, November 11, 2022, is a federal holiday and banks will not be operating; however, Supreme Lending will remain open. Note, the Lock Desk and Wire Desk will not be open on Friday, November 11. 

November 11 will not be considered a business day in the rescission period for refinances or when calculating waiting periods. 

As a reminder, all locks must be valid through the disbursement date. Please be sure to request any necessary extensions to accommodate the rescission period as well as the lock expiration date.

See the Closing Bulletin for full details, including updated rescission dates and the Closing Disclosure Calendar, by clicking here.

Preview the Auto Pilot Social Media Posts for the Week of November 7

Here is a preview of next week’s posts for Auto Pilot, which include an educational mortgage minute and a clever post of the pros and cons of homebuying in today’s current market. For a low monthly fee ($100/month), the Marketing Team posts three times a week on behalf of all Auto Pilot participants to keep content on their social media profiles fresh and up to date.

Mortgage Minute Infographic Monthly Observance
Pros and Cons of Homebuying
National Adoption Month

Loan Officers interested in enrolling in Auto Pilot can contact

Meet Sheri Morales, Branch Support Team Lead

  • Hometown: Born and raised in the Dallas, Texas, area.  
  • First Job: A dress shop in Carrollton, Texas, when I was 16.  
  • History With Supreme: I first joined Supreme at a local branch in September 2003. I left for two years in 2007 and was asked to come back in 2009. The branch was closing up shop in August 2010, so I called Staci Pearson and asked if there were any openings at Corporate. The following week, I started as a Processor for outside branches and three years later, Staci snagged me to work in Branch Support. Here we are a total of 17 years later, with 12 of those at Corporate. 
  • Favorite Thing About Working at Supreme: The family, comradery, and loyalty that I have been blessed to be a part of here at Supreme!
  • Fact People May Not Know: I was adopted at three weeks old from Hope Cottage in Downtown Dallas. 
  • Favorite Vacation Destination: Belize for the beautiful scenery and the bluest ocean I have ever seen. 
  • Special Interests and Hobbies: Crafting and spending time with my family and grandchildren. 
  • Favorite Book: New favorite is Damon West’s The Change Agent