July 20, 2022

Changes to the Bond eFolder Placeholders Have Been Completed

The final changes to the new generic naming conventions for all Bond disclosures in Encompass have been made and will be implemented into production tomorrow, Thursday, July 21. This will streamline the process and reduce the number of placeholders in the dropdown list.

Please find the updated Bond eFolder Placeholder document linked below that specifies the changes. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the eFolder Committee at eFolder@SupremeLending.com.

View President’s Club Standings on Supreme Insight 

We have launched real-time President’s Club standing reports for Top Producers and Branch Managers on Supreme Insight. Note: You must be logged in to the VPN to access these reports. Standings for Regional Managers will be updated on the Insight page monthly.

President’s Club standing reports for Processors, Underwriters, and Closer/Funders are coming soon! We are updating these reports to reflect both digital and paper customer satisfaction survey points.


Tip of the Month: How to Access Supreme Lending Resources From Outside of the United States

With personal and business travel resuming, many of us may need to stay connected to the office while on the go by using our Supreme Lending laptops. While this is not a problem when traveling within the continental United States, it is challenging when traveling abroad.

To prevent cybercriminals from remotely accessing our networks for nefarious purposes, access to Supreme resources is blocked from locations outside of the United States. This is a common practice used by many organizations to eliminate easy access for attackers. For team members who need to log in from international locations, we will need to set up special access to our systems and resources.

Requests for laptop/desktop remote access from international locations must be submitted by the employee via a Service Desk ticket 5 business days prior to departure.

Read the full bulletin that includes the new policy and process linked below. 

See How Quick It Takes to Complete the 2022 Compliance Training

We’re getting closer to reaching our Compliance completion goal! If you haven’t already, check out the two 10-minute eLearning courses and see how simple it is to complete this year’s required Compliance training. Here’s what Wayne Lewis III, Bond Purchase Clearing Specialist, shared with the Training Team about the 2022 courses:

“Thank you for the revised Compliance Training! The eLearning was packed full of insightful information, straightforward enough to keep my attention, and short enough to be respectful of everyone’s time, which is quite an improvement over last year’s training!”

Go to Learning.SupremeLending.com to log in to Docebo to complete the courses. 

Questions? Contact Training@SupremeLending.com or for Docebo-related issues, DoceboSupport@SupremeLending.com

Preview the Auto Pilot Social Posts for the Week of July 25 

Here is a preview of next week’s posts for Auto Pilot, which include debunking a mortgage myth and a market update. For a low monthly fee ($100/month), the Marketing Team posts three times a week on behalf of all Auto Pilot participants to keep content on their social media profiles fresh and up to date.

Mortgage Myth Market Update Homeowner Tips
Do You Find the House First?
Rate Comparison
Cash Out on Home Equity

Loan Officers interested in enrolling in Auto Pilot can contact Marketing@SupremeLending.com

Meet Katie Klaske, Regional Underwriting Manager

  • Hometown: Neenah, WI
  • First Job: ‘Kennel Crew’ at a local animal hospital caring for sick and/or boarded dogs and cats along with cleaning the building.
  • History With Supreme: I started with Supreme as an Underwriter in August 2015. I knew absolutely no one here. BUT, to this day, coming to Supreme was the best decision! In early 2020 I moved to the Underwriting Team Lead position and then to my current role, Regional Underwriting Manager, in June 2020. I love my current role and team so much!
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: Being here for almost seven years, Supreme has grown quite a bit but it still feels like a close-knit family. Everyone helps and supports one another.
  • Fun Fact People May Not Know: I am an avid outdoors-woman and grew up hunting and fishing with my Dad. I am keeping those traditions alive with my daughter.
  • How to Turn a Bad Day Into a Good One: Turn on some good, upbeat music, and remember this too shall pass. We always get to the other side and can learn so much from each trial and tribulation.  
  • Special Interests and Hobbies: Besides being outdoors with my family, I love to cook (trying to hone in my skills and recipes on my smoker, as of late) and host friends and family at our home.
  • Favorite Book: Believe It by Jamie Kern Lima. In 2022, I set a goal to read a handful of motivational books. Believe It and The Change Agent have been my favorites so far.