May 18, 2022

This Month’s Tip: How to Recognize and Avoid Targeted Phishing Attacks

Phishing continues to be the most common online threat to Supreme Lending employees, so it’s important to spot tell-tale signs and know what to do when you encounter a malicious email. This month we will break down a “sample” phishing email received by a Supreme employee.

Warning signs in this email include conflicting contact information and malicious URLs:

  • In the email signature, there’s a legitimate @stewart[.]com address, but this email was sent from @packitupboise[.]com.
  • Since this email was supposedly sent by Stewart Title, one would expect the link to direct to a web address related to their company. In this case, the URL is taking us to hxxp://[mikesbirdfeeders[.]com].

What to Do If You Receive a Phishing Email?
Be suspicious of any unsolicited email you receive from someone you do not recognize. Scammers are often very clever at disguising a phishing scam as a legitimate email from a reputable organization. If you feel that something is not quite right, always report the email to Supreme’s Information Security Team by highlighting the phishing email in your inbox and clicking the Report Phish button.

Click here to read the full bulletin.

If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact Information Security via Thanks for participating in the Information Security effort!

Are You Savvy in Microsoft Outlook?

Here’s an overview of a few tips and tricks the Training Team put together to help make email tasks and communication in Outlook efficient and productive.

Watch an interactive video of these tips below.

A downloadable Job Aid for these tips is also available HERE.

Accepting Meeting Invites
When accepting a meeting invite in Outlook, accept without sending a reply to eliminate unnecessary inbox clutter. Select the Do Not Send a Response option from the drop-down menu.

Blocking Time for Personal Time Off (PTO)
When out of the office, block your time off on your Outlook calendar by selecting the Out of Office option so others will see when you’re on PTO.


Send Separate PTO Invites to Your Manager
A separate PTO calendar invite should be sent to your manager. Make sure to select the Show As option as Free so it doesn’t block their calendar but provides a reminder of your PTO.


Reminder: Check Out Usherpa’s Latest Features During Tomorrow’s National Training

Join us tomorrow, Thursday, May 19, at 1 p.m. Central Time, for a national training hosted by Usherpa to go over a variety of the CRM platform’s exciting features that can help Loan Officers build their business—from loan process milestone communications to real estate partner emails, one-on-one texting, and more!

Preview the Auto Pilot Social Posts for the Week of May 23

Here is a preview of next week’s posts for our Auto Pilot Program, which include tips for pool maintenance this summer and an educational video highlighting Jumbo loans. For a low monthly fee ($100/month), the Marketing Team posts three times a week on behalf of all Auto Pilot participants to keep content on their social media profiles fresh and up to date.

Tips and Tricks Product Highlight Why Supreme?
Pool Maintenance for Summer
Jumbo Loans (Video)
Convenient Experience
Meet Melody Crowe, Regional Closing Manager
  • Hometown: Denver, Colorado
  • First Job: At Heidi’s Brooklyn Deli
  • History With Supreme: Joined as a Closer/Funder in 2016 and became a Closing Manager in April 2022.
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: I like that everyone shares the same vision and how dedicated we are to helping people achieve the American dream of becoming homeowners.
  • Fun Fact People May Not Know: I started training jujitsu in the last year and love it!
  • Favorite Vacation Destination: Anywhere with a beach.
  • Special Interests or Hobbies: Hiking, anything outdoors, and live music.
  • Favorite TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy and Yellowstone.