February 16, 2022

Reminder: Supreme Lending Will Remain Open on President’s Day

On Monday, February 21, Supreme Lending will not be observing President’s Day as a corporate holiday and will remain open. However, because it’s a federal holiday and banks will not be operating, the Wire Desk will be unable to process wires and President’s Day cannot be included as a business day in the rescission period for refinances or when calculating loan estimate and closing disclosure requirements.

See the Closing Bulletin for full details, including updated rescission dates and the Closing Disclosure Calendar, by clicking here.

Join Us Tuesday, February 22, for Our Health & Wellness Meet-Up

If you’re interested in participating in this group, sign up here.

We’re excited to host our next Health & Wellness Supreme Connect group this Tuesday, February 22. Digital Marketing Manager Renee Biddle will lead an engaging discussion on how to set up your day for success—from goal setting to time management to work-life balance and staying active. Get tips and tricks and enjoy connecting with your colleagues. We hope to see you there!

Health & Wellness:
How to Set Up Your Day for Success

Leader: Renee Biddle, Digital Marketing Manager

When: Tuesday, February 22
4–4:30 p.m. CST (with manager’s approval)

Check Out Two New Training Courses Available in Docebo

Two e-learning training courses have been added to Docebo covering the following topics:

  • How to use the Allocate Credits Tool in Encompass to adjust fees and credits to provide the borrower with accurate closing costs.
  • How to review a Preliminary Title Report to ensure there are no gaps in ownership, existing liens, or suspicious activity.

Go to Learning.SupremeLending.com to log into your Docebo account. From the User Menu on the top left corner, navigate to the Course Catalog to view the new courses. We look forward to continuing to add new courses to benefit our Supreme team members’ knowledge and professional growth.

If you have any questions or need assistance, contact Training@SupremeLending.com or DoceboSupport@SupremeLending.com.

Meet Carla Bandy, Sr. Underwriter
  • History With Supreme: I’ve been with Supreme for 16 years. 
  • Favorite Thing About Supreme: The culture! Although we have grown substantially since I started, we still have a “small” company feel. We’re like family.
  • Hometown: Acuff, Texas, which is just northeast of downtown Lubbock, Texas
  • How to Turn a Bad Day Around: Take a step back, spend time with my grandchildren, and love on my pups. 
  • Hobbies and Special Interests: Spending the day on our boat with friends and family and keeping up with Texas high school football—my husband is a retired high school football coach.