December 29, 2021

Supreme Will Be Closed New Year’s Eve With Limited Business Functions

In observance of the New Year holiday, Supreme Lending’s offices will be closed to the public on Friday, December 31, 2021. However, the Wire Desk will be open for limited business functions and the Lock Desk will be open. As a reminder, all locks must be valid through the disbursement date. Please be sure to request any necessary extensions to accommodate the rescission period as well as the lock expiration date.

Click here for the Bulletin with full details, including rescission dates and the closing disclosure calendar.

January’s Supreme Connect Groups: BBQ and the Science Behind Wellness
Our first two Supreme Connect groups will begin in January! Recruiting Manager Noah Zimmerman will lead our Food & Drink group on the mouth-watering topic of BBQ, and Business Analytics and Reporting Manager Dan Howard will take our Health & Wellness group through resting metabolic rates and budgeting caloric inflows (what we eat) versus outflows (what we burn). Sign up here to let us know if you’re interested in participating in one or both sessions. Watch for more information on specific dates and times.

Our Supreme Connect groups will be held once a month (either on a Tuesday or Thursday) via Zoom and will be 30 minutes in length. Group members can feel free to attend sessions that interest them.

Request a Year-End Marketing Review

As 2021 is coming to a close, it’s a great time to evaluate marketing strategies for the new year.

Supreme’s Marketing Team is currently reaching out to branches to provide a year-end review assessing their 2021 marketing activities, goals, and performance. Backed with data and analytics, we can present a high-level overview of campaign effectiveness and identify areas of improvement to help with preparing and strategizing for 2022 marketing planning. To request a year-end marketing review, please email


2022 Training Calendar Live in Docebo

This is a friendly reminder that Supreme’s Training Calendar is now available in Docebo ( Once logged in to your Docebo account, you can access the calendar from the Training Dashboard and easily click on the courses you’d like to enroll in.

If you have any general training questions or need support, email For Docebo-related questions or feedback, email

This Month’s Tip: DocuSign Users at Risk!

Be on the lookout for cyberattacks that include fake DocuSign email messages. Attackers send fraudulent emails with a link to an authentic-looking (but fake) DocuSign login. Once attackers have your credentials, they could try to access other accounts or collect sensitive information.

Click here for the Bulletin with full details, including email examples and tips.

If you have any questions, contact