August 10, 2022

Introducing Supreme’s New Loan Officer Servicing Portal

“Who is now servicing my loan?” If Loan Officers only had a nickel for every minute they’ve spent answering that question for customers! Now it will take no time at all to find the answer and other key loan information on Supreme Lending’s new Loan Officer Servicing Portal.

Feedback from pilot users say the portal is life-changing, as its self-serve options save Loan Officers so much time after closing. Simply plug in a loan number and find important loan data at your fingertips!

How to Access the Loan Officer Servicing Portal
You can access the Servicing Portal Report (4072) directly from MyReports via the Top Reports for Branches subfolder. A button linking to the portal is also available on the homepage of Supreme Insight.

Note: You must be logged in to the VPN to access the portal on MyReports.

New eLearning: Learn Project Management Best Practices and How to Automate Verifications in Encompass

The Training Team continues to launch new on-demand eLearning courses in Docebo covering a variety of helpful topics to enhance professional and personal development, as well as providing job aids for Supreme’s processes and technology. Here’s an overview of the latest courses released:

  • Finicity: Learn how this tool helps borrowers provide their information for automated verification of employment and assets, and see how the reports are generated in Encompass.
  • Project Management Essentials: This eLearning course covers the must-knows of managing multiple projects and do’s and don’ts of effective project management.
  • Six Sigma White Belt Certification: Six Sigma teaches techniques and tools used for process improvement. The White Belt Certification course is the first level of a multi-belt training program to become a project management expert.

Are You Ready for Back to School? Compliance Education That Is! 

It’s back to school season, which is also a good time to complete this year’s Compliance training. There are just two quick, straightforward eLearning courses required. This Friday, August 12, there will be another drawing for everyone who has completed their two courses to have a chance to win a $50 gift card. Speaking of contests, if you’re the 15th person to email “Back to School” to, you could win a $50 gift card to the Supreme Swag Store!

Congratulations to the more than 15% of the company who have completed the training so far and will be considered for the drawing. Want to join them? Log in to Docebo to finish the courses today!

Questions? Contact or for Docebo-related issues,

Preview the Auto Pilot Social Posts For Next Week

Here is a preview of next week’s posts for Auto Pilot, which include observing National Garage Sale Day on the second Saturday of the month and homebuying trends. For a low monthly fee ($100/month), the Marketing Team posts three times a week on behalf of all Auto Pilot participants to keep content on their social media profiles fresh and up to date.

National Observance Market Trends Tips & Tricks
Garage Sale Day
Favorable Time for Homebuyers
Competing With Cash Offers

Loan Officers interested in enrolling in Auto Pilot can contact

Meet Benita and Jerry Ladd and Their Supreme Team in Kentucky

  • Branch Location: Down in the western end of Kentucky. We are in what we would call the hub as there are several smaller towns around us that we serve, including Benton, Mayfield, Murray, Ledbetter, Kuttawa, Eddyville, and Princeton, just to name a few. We are also just about 7 miles from the Illinois border, so we service that area as well.
  • History With Supreme: 11 years this December. It’s a long story as to why we came to Supreme. To sum it up, after meeting with the Corporate office for a couple of hours, we had a break and Benita and Jerry looked at each other and said, “This is it!” It feels like home, so here we are still 11 years later.
  • Branch Team Members: There are four!
    • Benita and Jerry Ladd, husband-and-wife, Branch Manager and Loan Officer team.
    • Denise Keith, who has worked with the Ladds for 15+ years.
    • Beverly Ladd, who worked with the Ladds for 7 years prior and has been back on the team for 2 years.
  • Branch Motto: We may have problems, but CLOSING LOANS IS NOT ONE OF THEM!

Beverly Ladd and Denise Keith

Benita and Jerry Ladd

  • Typical Day at Your Branch: There is nothing typical about your day when you are in the mortgage business. They’re always full of surprises, LOL!
  • Recent Team Achievements: We never missed a loan closing during COVID. We even closed loans in the parking lot in the rain.
  • Team’s Key to Success: Hustle! Do not just be an order taker. Do your job. Take and submit complete loan applications and files. Hold yourself responsible. Review your documents, dot your I’s, and cross your T’s.
  • Favorite Thing About Working at Supreme: We are one big, happy family!
  • Fun Fact About the Branch: We have a fur baby, Pogo, who is our Branch’s Director of Security and Stress Management. She even has her own business cards. The customers just love her!